Business Legal Agreements

Let our lawyers help you with legal agreements aimed at minimizing potential risks and maximizing your business growth.

Meeting your needs by knowing your business

Sealing a good deal isn’t just about well-formulated agreements, it’s also about truly understanding your business needs – including the risks. Let Fondia work as your company’s outsourced legal department and deep dive into your business, your best interests and your needs. We’ll advise you on everything from individual agreements to the implementation of more extensive and complex projects. Our team will draw up agreements for all your company’s needs, factoring in things like industry and whether it’s a local or international agreement.

Committed to you and your business

Our goal is to give you legal advice that really adds value to your business. Doing that means getting to know you and your business to ensure that the advice we provide adds value and minimizes the risk of conflicts and conflicting contract interpretations. Our aim is always to draw up agreements and arrangements that are simple and easy to understand. And your Fondia legal team will always adapt to your industry, your business and your company size to provide you with practical legal advice designed to protect your interests and help your business thrive.

Our experienced legal experts can handle contract negotiations at any stage, regardless of the size of the company involved, and provide any contracts your business may need, including:

  • Sales and purchase agreements

  • Service agreements

  • Non-disclosure agreements

  • Supply and distribution agreements

  • License agreements

  • Subcontracts

  • Tender documents

We’ll be there to advise you on:

  • Drafting contracts and general terms and conditions

  • Assessing and commenting on agreements and conditions proposed by the other contract party

  • Drafting standard contracts

  • Conducting contract negotiations

  • Assessing contractual procedures and preparing internal contractual practices

  • Assessing contracts and conditions regarding public tenders and procurement

  • Assessing, anticipating, and managing risks

  • Training personnel on fundamental contractual matters

Meet the experts

Get to know some of our lawyers specializing in business legal agreements or contact them directly.