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With 120 lawyers in four countries, Fondia offers expert advice and innovative legal services that are tailored to your business. Our lawyers have a proven track record and we’re personally committed to representing your best interests.
Our lawyers in Finland, Sweden, Lithuania and Estonia have strong cross-industry legal experience serving companies of all sizes.
Most of our lawyers have worked as in-house counsels at some point in their careers. That gives us the hands-on experience needed to give the best possible legal advice. We know how to be part of your team.
Choose an ongoing and adaptive service model like our Legal Department as a Service (LDaaS) or task us with traditional assignment-based legal services. Either way, you’ll get the legal service that’s right for you.
Hear the latest from our lawyers and gain insights on the latest trends and topics.
We’d love to hear more about your legal needs and talk about how we can help you solve them. Book a free meeting or call or email us.