Arttu Ruukki
I advise clients mainly on intellectual property, contract law and on questions related to the regulation around data and AI. In particular, the rapidly evolving data- and digital services regulation and Fondia's own service development related to these topics is on my plate, as I lead Fondia's team of data economy experts. I strive to help find practical and business-driven solutions with a no-nonsense attitude in line with Fondia's style.
Prior to Fondia, I worked in in-house roles in the engineering industry at Moventas and David Brown Santasalo and in ICT at Nokia. I’m experienced in contract negotiation in various roles, have familiarized myself with basic corporate law and compliance matters through being responsible for various corporate governance tasks and the design and implementation of various compliance policies. My special area of expertise is software licensing, in particular the legal aspects of Open Source software.
In my free time, my days are filled with activities with the youngest member of the family. What little time is left over is spent running after a ball on padel courts or whacking around a smaller ball on the golf course.

Arttu Ruukki is one of the authors in the Legal 500 Comparative Guide 2024 Finland: Artificial Intelligence
The Legal 500’s Country Comparative Guides are produced in association with the world’s leading lawyers giving a practical overview of the laws and regulations in key jurisdictions, for specific practice areas.