Legal Department as a Service

Your legal department – always a step ahead.

Your own legal team – as a service

The world more complex than ever. Running your business responsibly, staying compliant with constantly changing regulations and managing risk while maximizing shareholder value is like trying to hit a moving target. We can help.

Fondia’s unique Legal Department as a Service (LDaaS) brings you a tailored team of experienced lawyers with the tools and skills your business needs. You’ll get the power of an entire legal team with a modern, agile and streamlined pricing model.

Just like the best in-house legal teams, we are:

  • Business-minded: The goal of Fondia’s Legal Department as a Service is to help you to reach your business goals – responsibly, within the law and with managed risk.

  • Proactive: Your team will work hard to prevent problems before they arise.

Committed and business-savvy legal advisors

Fondia’s LDaaS is scalable and designed to quickly and efficiently adapt to your needs. From start-ups to listed companies, you’ll get services that span from one in-house lawyer to a full legal team.

Our lawyers have in-house experience in a variety of businesses of all sizes and almost all industries. Feel free to contact us to talk more about how we can help you.

What do you get?

  • An in-house team of lawyers who dive deep into your business and function as your own legal department

  • Call & check – brief counselling is included in the price

  • Transparent management of your legal affairs together with you. Fast and easy access to your documents, our recommendations and your legal plan with our MyFondia platform

  • Proactively monitoring of legislative and other changes and propose measures

The many benefits of Legal Department as a Service


We get to know you

By truly getting to know your business we can work together proactively to prevent problems before they arise.


Cost-effective and transparent legal team as a service

Nobody likes unpleasant surprises, especially when it comes to invoices. You’ll get access to the legal team you need for a flat monthly fee.


Scalable and adaptive

The team and the scope of service can be easily adjusted up or down as your needs change. You always get everything you need and nothing you don’t.


“Fondia’s Legal Department as a Service model is a fantastic way of handling our legal affairs.

Meet the experts

Meet some of the Fondia lawyers who could be part of your legal department as a service.