Data Protection Officer as a Service

Make sure you’re always compliant with data protection requirements – let Fondia handle your DPO tasks

A team of data protection lawyers at your service

The Data Protection Officer, or DPO, is an expert responsible for monitoring the processing of personal data and compliance with data protection laws throughout an organization. If your organization regularly monitors data subjects or your core tasks involve large-scale processing of sensitive personal data, you have to appoint a DPO. Or you can outsource this task to Fondia.

A DPO monitors legislation and advises on data protection issues, also acting as a point of contact for data protection authorities. These experts need to have in-depth knowledge of data protection law and practices as well as the ability to perform the statutory tasks of the job. But the DPO doesn’t have to be a member of your staff, as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) allows this task to be outsourced.

Let one of our lawyers serve as your organization’s DPO as part of our DPOaaS service. You’ll improve compliance with data protection legislation and ensure the continuous and planned management of data protection issues.

The many benefits of outsourcing your Data Protection Officer tasks:

  • DPO as a service (DPOaaS) works just like an in-house DPO, but you’ll have a team of experienced data protection lawyers at your service

  • The service enables the tasks of a DPO to be implemented in a planned and proactive manner

  • The use of external lawyers minimizes conflicts of interest

  • Saves time and resources in your organization

  • Clear and predictable pricing facilitates budgeting

Data Protection Officer as a Service covers:

  • A designated lead lawyer and a committed team of Fondia data protection lawyers

  • An initial data protection survey, an annual plan, and ongoing guidance and advice on data protection issues

  • Fulfillment of statutory DPO tasks

  • If necessary, communication with supervisory authority

The many benefits of Data Protection Officer as a Service


Business-oriented legal advice

Our experienced data protection lawyers can handle all of your organization’s personal data processing and privacy needs. Our approach is business-oriented and many of our lawyers have an in-house lawyer background that supports this.


Cross-boarder teamwork

Our lawyers have expertise in different fields of data protection and can provide you with legal advice directly related to your field of business


Full-service business law firm

As a full-service business law firm, you can trust us to provide any legal services your company needs.

Meet the experts

Get to know some of our data protection lawyers.

How can we help you?

We’d love to hear more about your legal needs and talk about how we can help you solve them. Book a free meeting or call or email us.