The New Managing Director of the Baltics is Eneli Perolainen. Let's get acquainted with her!

Kätlin Hinnov
September 9, 2020

The New Baltic Managing Director, Eneli Perolainen, has joined the Fondia family in the middle of August. Read the interview below, where she speaks about herself, explains, how she found her way to Fondia, and gives a hint or two on the plans for the future.

1. Eneli, how did your path cross with Fondia?

For me, the way to Fondia began with a phone call from a head-hunter. I must admit, it was not love from the first sight, but the more I found out about Fondia and the people here, the clearer it became, that Fondia suits me. There are values here that do not exist only on paper and a very good basis for growth.

In Estonia, there are several law offices offering high-quality services. There are also companies, that offer good-quality legal advisory amongst other consultancy services. The competitive edge for Fondia, that offers advice on both legal and tax-related issues, is its unique business model. Combining both self-developed technological solutions with daily advisory, that can replace a legal team in a company, Fondia stands very close to every customer, taking part in their daily business. This works very well in Finland and I see no reason, why the same shouldn’t apply for the Baltics. Nowadays, the success of any company heavily relies on IT-solutions. Given the high-quality advisory capabilities and innovative IT-solutions we offer, Fondia has excellent growth potential all over the Baltics.

2. What do Fondia’s customers stand to gain from your knowledge and experience?

I am convinced that my professional experience is useful to Fondia’s customers. In me, Fondia has added strong experience in M&A advisory and restructuring. I am a good leader for the team. I value timely and professional execution and I am a firm believer of giving customers added value. I am not satisfied with only solving problems here and there, always finding ways to look at the bigger picture. My long-term experience in international consultancy companies shows, that this is what customers expect as well. They wish, I would even say assume, that their advisor should see the bigger picture, and they are grateful if they get also tax and business-related advice on top of legal counseling.

3. What do you like to do when you are not handling legal matters?

Since my daily work is a lot about communication, I like to spend free time on my own, if possible. Should I be accompanied by a great book on these moments, everything is how it should be. When reading, I find it really hard to quit before the very end, if the book really gets to me. I only tend to read, when I do have the time to enjoy the book and there are no disturbances. Though sometimes it happens, that I do have to stop reading half-way, and then the book can end up on my bedside table for a long time. So, I do have a pile of half-read books waiting. At this point, there are four of them.

At the same time, I am also an active person during my free moments. I really enjoy spending time with my friends, be it a hiking trip in the nature, evening at the theatre, or any other get-together. For instance, I am part of a company of friends, who take a break 3 times a week at lunchtime to meet up and train together. This way, pleasure is combined with necessity. A lunchtime training in an enjoyable company really gives you a boost for the rest of the day!

How can we help you?

We’d love to hear more about your legal needs and talk about how we can help you solve them. Book a free meeting or call or email us.