Josefine Karlsson

Head of Sales & Marketing Sweden, Senior Legal Counsel +46 73 312 28 81 Stockholm

Josefine is passionate about data protection issues and making it part of the day-to-day work.

During my 10 years as a lawyer, I have worked in different industries and legal areas but fell in love with data protection. I now specialize in data protection and have previously also had the role of leading Fondia's Swedish data protection team. I have previously worked in law firms and also as external in-house counsel for a major retailer.

Retail and data protection are particularly close to my heart, but it was tech companies and more specifically fintech that led me into data protection as a field. Law is the most fun when I am involved early on, preferably during the product development stage - it creates better conditions for getting to know the customer in the best way and giving the best possible advice. A bonus is that I get to learn more and more about things other than law.

When I'm not working, you can find me in the forest with a basket of mushrooms, having dinner with friends or exploring with my family.

Data Protection

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