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"The lawyers at Fondia are professional, very helpful, and extremely flexible. "


We use Fondia as a supporting legal partner for our operations to ensure that all legal matters are maintained efficiently and so that all agreements throughout the chain of operations are in order. This includes contractor, supplier, and customer agreements.

We have internationally fixed model agreements and terms and conditions that can be localized when needed. When cooperation agreements are negotiated, Fondia either provides background support or even participates directly in the negotiations.

Our Fondia team is very familiar with the functions and terminology of both our company and our business field, and this makes the cooperation smooth. The Fondia team has also remained almost the same since the start of our cooperation. If the lawyers were to constantly change, this would make the collaboration much harder.

The lawyers at Fondia are professional, very helpful, and extremely flexible. It is a huge benefit, in my opinion, that there are adequate resources even when more demanding assignments arise. And as we have appointed contact persons and a team, everyone is well-informed all of the time. Fondia is also proactive in making suggestions using their own initiative, and this means that things move on according to plans, which is really positive.

The service is swift, and the quality is excellent. Fondia works with a strong focus on the client and always takes the issues as close to the finish line as possible. Therefore, it is easy for us as a client to continue our negotiations with our business partners. Whereas most lawyers often have their own jargon, Fondia takes care of things in a thoroughly professional manner while simultaneously presenting matters in a clear and understandable way.

Päivi Kauppinen, Industry Director

Kantar TNS Oy


"Fondia works with a strong focus on the client and always takes the issues as close to the finish line as possible."