Oliver Lönnblad

Legal Trainee +358 20 720 5755 oliver.lonnblad@fondia.com Helsinki

Oliver Lönnblad

I became a Fondian in early 2020 when I was offered the chance to start my legal career as a Junior trainee at Fondia. Since then, I have worked as an IPR trainee before becoming a Legal Trainee in early 2023; I guess I wanted the full trainee experience.

My interests in the legal field lay mostly in intellectual property rights (especially copyrights and trademarks) and contracts and technology related questions. However, I still regularly find myself excited about something completely unrelated, and I cannot decide whether this is a good or a bad thing.

After I finish my master’s studies in University of Lapland, I hope that my career will gravitate towards technology related fields of law. Or maybe I’ll become a judge. Only time will tell.