Emmelie Fredriksson

Legal Counsel emmelie.fredriksson@fondia.com +46 735 26 45 29 Stockholm

Emmelie will be happy to help you with questions regarding tax, M&A and commercial agreements.

I am inspired by entrepreneurship and driven to help clients with their legal challenges. In my assignments, I always strive to find a solution that is as legal as it is commercial and practical for the client.

At Fondia, I work broadly in the field of business law. My main focus is tax and corporate law, where common areas I assist with are incentive schemes, restructurings and ownership changes. Before joining Fondia, I worked as a tax lawyer at an accounting firm.

In my spare time, I enjoy a good workout and spending time with family and friends. I also enjoy an evening of putting together a puzzle (preferably combined with food and wine).

Incentive programs
Commercial agreements